Valga Jazz Klubi üldkoosolek algusega kell 19.00 kohvikus Nipernaadi.
Teeme kokkuvõtteid tehtud tööst ja üritustest.
Planeerime järgnevaid üritusi.
Vaatame DVD filmi "Piano Grand!", milles osalevad sellised muusikud nagu Billy Joel, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Jerry Lee Lewis, Diana Krall, Cyrus Chestnut, Robert Levin, Eliane Elias, Katia & Marielle Labeque, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Marcus Roberts, Dave Brubeck and Hyung-Ki Joo ning Smithsoni Kammerorkester.

Kuulda saame järgmist kava:
1. Billy Joel - Baby Grand
2. Jean-Yves Thibaudet and the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra, Kenneth Slowick, conductor - Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor, 1st Movement, "Allegro Molto Moderato"
3. Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
4. Diana Krall and her trio with the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra - Let's Fall in Love
5. Cyrus Chestnut - Baroque Impressions
6. Robert Levin and the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra, Kenneth Slowick, conductor - Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat, Op.73 "Emperor" 3rd Movement, "Rondo Allegro"
7. Elaine Elias and her trio - The Time Is Now
8. Katia & Marielle Labeque - Mother Goose Suite
9. Toshiko Akiyoshi - It Was A Very Good Year
10. Student Ensemble - Country Gardens
11. Billy Joel - Piano Man
12. Katia & Marielle Labeque - "America" from West Side Story
13. Marcus Roberts - Medley: "The Entertainer" - Scott Joplin, "The Crave" - Jellyroll Morton, "Ain't Misbehavin'" - Fats Waller
14. Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Chopin: Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9 No. 2
15. Dave Brubeck - Thank you (Dziekuje)
16. Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire
17. Hyung-ki Joo - Fantasy (Film Noir)
18. Finale: Heart and Soul
Ootame aktiivset osavõttu eelkõige klubiliikmete poolt (pääs prii). Oodatud on ka kõik klaverimuusika huvilised .
Teeme kokkuvõtteid tehtud tööst ja üritustest.
Planeerime järgnevaid üritusi.
Vaatame DVD filmi "Piano Grand!", milles osalevad sellised muusikud nagu Billy Joel, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Jerry Lee Lewis, Diana Krall, Cyrus Chestnut, Robert Levin, Eliane Elias, Katia & Marielle Labeque, Toshiko Akiyoshi, Marcus Roberts, Dave Brubeck and Hyung-Ki Joo ning Smithsoni Kammerorkester.

Kuulda saame järgmist kava:
1. Billy Joel - Baby Grand
2. Jean-Yves Thibaudet and the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra, Kenneth Slowick, conductor - Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor, 1st Movement, "Allegro Molto Moderato"
3. Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
4. Diana Krall and her trio with the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra - Let's Fall in Love
5. Cyrus Chestnut - Baroque Impressions
6. Robert Levin and the Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra, Kenneth Slowick, conductor - Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat, Op.73 "Emperor" 3rd Movement, "Rondo Allegro"
7. Elaine Elias and her trio - The Time Is Now
8. Katia & Marielle Labeque - Mother Goose Suite
9. Toshiko Akiyoshi - It Was A Very Good Year
10. Student Ensemble - Country Gardens
11. Billy Joel - Piano Man
12. Katia & Marielle Labeque - "America" from West Side Story
13. Marcus Roberts - Medley: "The Entertainer" - Scott Joplin, "The Crave" - Jellyroll Morton, "Ain't Misbehavin'" - Fats Waller
14. Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Chopin: Nocturne in E-flat, Op. 9 No. 2
15. Dave Brubeck - Thank you (Dziekuje)
16. Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire
17. Hyung-ki Joo - Fantasy (Film Noir)
18. Finale: Heart and Soul
Ootame aktiivset osavõttu eelkõige klubiliikmete poolt (pääs prii). Oodatud on ka kõik klaverimuusika huvilised .